Happy Anniversary Hubby!

We celebrated seven years of being together yesterday. On the 19th of September, we took the first step towards our relationship by committing to each other for a life long journey.

Our love story is very simple, sweet and magical. We met through common friends in Mumbai, India, on the 16th of September and we started seeing each other on the 19th. I will share details of what happened in those four days with all of you soon. I find it very tough to put in words what I felt during those four days ( this is my third failed attempt 🙂 ) but I will try real soon as I have wanted to share this story for a very long time now.

Yesterday, I wrote a small poem for Puneet on a card that I made using handmade paper, charcoal colors and some paper cut outs. Sharing the poem with my virtual family. Happy Loving!!




Long drives and,

silly fights.

Deep emotions and,

pretty destinations.

Home and happiness,

travel in wilderness.

Moving homes and,

maturing relations.

Future projections and,

financial estimations.

Milestones and soulful shrines,

overlapping aspects of our lives.

Every dream and each destination,

carving a way to fulfill a few aspirations.

Life is a journey very surreal,

you and I together,

is what makes everything real.

Happy Loving!!


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39 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary Hubby!

  1. Pingback: Love, Dopamine and Wiki | Inspiring Evolution

  2. Pingback: Love, Chemicals and Wiki | Inspiring Evolution

  3. Hey, its so nice to see a beautiful couple like yours.. I cant know what being in a husband-wife relationship is, as i am not that grown up. But seeing that pic, i wish to bless you both with all the happiness( pretending to be a grandpa at this moment 😛 ) hahaha 😀
    A happy journey ahead.. 🙂


  4. Pingback: Loving you!! | Inspiring Evolution

  5. Congratulations to both of you! I adore seeing couples so in love with each other that it radiates from them both in each other’s presence! So happy for you 🙂

    Stories, eh? You know I’m a sucker for stories, especially this kind… 🙂


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