Sending love and sunshine your way- Shine on award

Thank you Sony @ & Ryan @ for this award.  It feels great to be in touch with evolving souls like the two of you through this virtual space.  Thank you for the nomination, and your inspiring and encouraging words. It makes my world so much better!!

Please visit their space to read some fabulous writing.


I do not know if it is a coincidence or some magical power of our writing world but whenever I am feeling low, all of you shower me with so much love and appreciation, that it brings a smile to my face.

A heartfelt thank you!!

Before this post turns into a Bollywood  melodrama, let’s follow some rules for a change. So as per the award rules, sharing a few facts about my life:



My latest read: And the mountains echoed. Absolutely loved it.


Vacation on my wishlist: 1 month backpacking trip in Bhutan & live in a monastery for a few weeks.


My pillars of strength: My hubby, Puneet; My bestie, Ginny; My niece, Simone; My nephew, Sahil ; and my inner voice.


I hate: Shallow souls, lack of civic sense and lack of empathy


My friend has to be: empathetic, kind, helpful and down to earth


Broken beliefs: Religion, Women=Men ( Women are far better )


Constant question on my mind: How do I make it better?


Here are my nominations. Please visit their blogs to add new perspectives to your life.


Keep shining!!

6 thoughts on “Sending love and sunshine your way- Shine on award

  1. Congratulations!!! :-)..and yes Bhutan is one of the most amazing countries to visit. Will surely open up a new dimension..
    And thank you for connecting us to the other thoughtful souls..and some wonderful reads..


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