The tragedy of being different

Recently, we decided to try a gluten-free diet after hearing about its health benefits. We got to know that it is not a new fad but a very ancient way of healthy eating quite prevalent in India. We are noticing a lot of positive health benefits and have made this a part of our lives.

Whenever we go out to eat with friends , the moment we declare that we eat gluten-free, we get bombarded with a volley of questions from all corners. Sometimes questions are followed by smirks, a discouraging talk, a chirpy talk on “live to eat” and some inexplicable expressions. What really upsets me is when people get judgmental about you and your life based on a life choice. Why? Just because I am trying something different.

I never thought a simple decision to try something new in diet will teach a valuable lesson to me. Being different is imperative. It gives you the courage to chase a better you. People will judge you, ridicule you and attack you but your decision to be who you are will give you immense courage to keep walking.

So a loud and clear message to everyone who find that we paint, make art pieces from scrap , eat gluten-free, write poems, work on our dreams, help strangers on online platforms, contribute positively to relations, a little WEIRD, I will keep adding many more such weird things to my life. I believe change is important. I believe in moving forward and trying new things. Either match my pace or prepare to be left because I am not going to wait for your approval or acceptance.

Happy evolving people! It is a fabulous way to live. 🙂

22 thoughts on “The tragedy of being different

  1. Pingback: I like this award!!! | Inspiring Evolution

  2. When we make a visible change in our habits, we find out something about the character of our friends and family that we may not have known before. It can be very enlightening! We may also cause some of the people around us to think, which is a good thing.


    • Agree. It is enlightening and disheartening but I always feel it is better to know the reality of your relationships than be in the dark. Truth has huge power.

      I feel such reactions come out of a place of insecurity. Insecurity comes from mental comparisons. I call it ego feeding sessions. Put the other person down to feel good about your life.

      Such reactions can also come out of ignorance. Ignorance or a huge resistance to change.

      Another explanation is that you can give only what you have. So if you are positive, you will project positive energy.

      At times it is too draining to understand the logic behind a reaction. All you want to hear is a simple” good job” and move on. Guess life is not that simple.

      Thanks for sharing your perspective!


      • Hi Baldeep,

        I’m the same about wanting to know the reality of others’ relationships with me, as painful as it sometimes is, rather than moving along in the dark toward an inevitable blindside when things get rough.

        I also agree about reactions to change coming from a place of insecurity. May I suggest another interpretation?

        We humans tend to stick with crowds that think and act the way we do because it gives us continual affirmation that the way we are is good and right–whether or not it actually is.

        When someone from our circle of friends, or known to us from daily contacts, changes and moves out of that cocoon of affirmation that we weave around ourselves, it prods us to question whether the way we are really is okay. If they’re changing, maybe I need change too?

        But we don’t want to think that. Because changing is work. So in order to protect our current self, we lash out at those who think and act differently than we do–especially if they used to be “one of us.”

        So the reactions are not really about you. They’re about the people engaging in the reactions. They want to protect their own current self, but they are not secure in themselves, so they have to reject anything different that might challenge their concept of themselves.

        Those who are secure in their own identity, thoughts, and actions have no need to lash out against others who are different, because for them, people who are different aren’t a challenge to their own identity. They engage in groups and social circles not for purposes of self-affirmation, but for purposes of human relationships, sharing, love and concern for others, and the joy of being part of a larger and more diverse community.


  3. Haven’t we all a truck-load of such examples, when what is different about us is looked down upon? Such a real post, from milieus that surround us all. Good to have stopped by. Only today, I wrote a similar post about standing up for our own views and ideas. In numbers there is comfort, and connectedness. Someone said to me, usually what is most different about you is your most beautiful part. 🙂 Wish you a happy evolution, Baldeep.


    • A big warm welcome Sakshi!

      “Someone said to me, usually what is most different about you is your most beautiful part.’- Wow! This is the best thing I have read today.

      The idea behind sharing this experience on my blog was to tell others that we all have felt judged or ridiculed at some point in life. Don’t let these unproductive moments define you. Your life should be a product of your strengths and not about others weaknesses.

      I will definitely visit your space to read your perspective . It feels good to meet you here. Stay connected!! 🙂


  4. Very honest post, Deepa and I find the ones who scorn as the weirdest lot..Respect to you for doing things you love doing and don’t bother since the crowd can only laugh and do Bol Bachchan. After all, it’s our life that we living and why should we be bogged down by small minds and negative people:)


  5. About nine months ago, I decided that I wouldn’t eat out – as in restaurants. Besides the hygiene factor, I just didn’t find it appealing as much. When I could get the same and maybe even tastier food at home, why should I eat out? I belive eating homecooked meals is a healthier option. Of course, my family thought I was cuckoo at first. They felt as if I was missing out. But for me, it was the total opposite. I still go out with my friends but I don’t eat and I feel blessed that I don’t have sh***y friends. They have supported me all along and although they may have raised a question or two, they haven’t been outright rude. A couple days back, my dad said he agreed with me. For some people, you may seem weird. For others, it may take time to look at things from your perspective. There are those who couldn’t care less and there are those who choose not to interfere. But then, it shouldn’t always matter what they think. There are times when you have to make your decisions on your own without getting wavered by others’ comments. So yeah, I completely agree with you. But if others don’t, it’s their way of thinking and we can’t do anything about it. Live and let live should be the mantra. 🙂 I really enjoyed this post because I could relate to it… Good luck on your journey!


    • Thank you!! I completely agree with your perspective.

      Sometimes people need to understand that you don’t need to judge or have/share your opinion on everything. Sometimes just a ” good for you” is enough.

      Anyway, I am all for healthy and positive changes in life. So I think what you are doing is amazing. I love home cooked meal and we keep experimenting with recipes all the time. All the best!


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